January 5, 2024
Hardware That Clicks

2007 Aaron would have sneered at this. But 2024 Aaron just sat up in his chair and looked respectfully in its direction.

I’m as surprised as maybe you are? While the yellow is eye-catching, I think what makes the Clicks keyboard so compelling is the fact that we’ve had 16 years of digital keyboards, and I think they’re more annoying than we expected. Auto-correct is a menace, and while displays get bigger, screen real estate is more valuable than ever.

This keyboard makes your phone bizarrely long, and I’m unlikely to pick it up. But I can’t pretend to deny that I’m interested.

I would never type this post on PupperPost for iPhone (I made that version to let you touch up and do micro-posts!). But give me a clicky hardware keyboard? I just might try it.

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