My god, App Review is absolutely thrashing me over PupperPost for macOS. iOS was approved this morning, but I can’t seem to catch a break: five rejections and counting. Gonna flip some tables and head to bed. 🙈
Ahh, sad to hear Alice Munro passed away today, at 92.
What a day for iPadOS criticism! From the folks I trust (and who care) the most about the platform. Will Apple listen? @viticci: @stroughtonsmith:
May 14, 2024
We’re just weeks away from WWDC 2024. The big, un-hidden theme for Apple this year is Artificial Intelligence. And there’s been a raft of articles following every deal the company is making in the space: from a partnership with OpenAI to hosting its own AI-processing chips in data centres. The Apple that I know and love is not usually the first to market with a new technology; they follow later w... [Read More]
Since I’ve been up to my elbows in this crap lately, my biggest wish for #WWDC24 is for Apple to have completely replaced AppStoreConnect and all the IAP bullshit with flows that are faster, all-platform and automatic. I love RevenueCat but their existence is an indictment.
I’ve seen it going around that the nerds are wanting macOS on the iPad. I think that’s ridiculous; putting macOS in a VM on a tablet would be super-janky. Instead, Apple needs to un-shackle the OS. Let devs make whacky apps! Let them run at the same time! Give us a terminal! Make it better than a Mac!
Things are happening...
May 8, 2024
OMG Tim. You shouldn’t stand in your shiny, sun-soaked spaceship office and tell us shit like this. It makes us hope. Was this actually the biggest day for iPad since 2010? I’m scratching my head here, but if I were put on the spot and asked to define the date of the second-biggest moment in iPad history, I think I’d reach for 2018 instead of today. That’s when we were given the 3rd generation ... [Read More]
Wow that new iPad Pro looks amazing. But it’s still no replacement for a Macintosh Book Professional, so I got the new Air to replace my three-year-old one with cracked glass. And a folio case 😬.
I know Figma is the hot shit but Sketch is still my fave, and they ARE NOT LAYING DOWN — version 100 is out, and it slaps! Love this little video:
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