I really enjoyed Nick Heer’s summary of how awful Apple is being in Europe. He brings plenty of receipts.
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time! https://botsin.space/@kottke/112050785083875253
Just smashed a bug in PupperPost’s editor that was freaking me out so much that I was seriously considering a total refactor of said editor. Pleased to say I’m still on track for releasing this year instead of 2028. 😅
This is a devastating summary of the failed Apple car project! It’s scary to imagine how much management flailed on this. Not the Tim Cook I have in my mind. https://apple.news/AGErYuXFMQUq1CVjocRonCA
Listen, do you want Riker to look at you like this? Then contribute to Project Tapestry and help it achieve its $175K stretch goal with 70 minutes left! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iconfactory/project-tapestry
What if… it just never came back online? 🫣
And a counterpoint to my The Perfect Computer? post from yesterday. For my part, I was never a wedge fan. It smelt of compromise. https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/5/24090112/macbook-air-wedge-laptops-design
March 5, 2024
Apple doesn’t need my help selling their computers. But I hope you’ll indulge me for a few paragraphs as I wax enthusiastic about the latest MacBooks Air. Apple refreshed its venerable consumer laptop in July 2022. After so many years with a signature wedge shape, the new MBA is a level shape that is almost absurdly thin — 11mm (0.4 in)! — and light at 1220g (2.7 lb). I owned one for about half a... [Read More]
I groaned when I saw this ep of The Talk Show was 3.5 hours long (!!), but I loved every minute! David Barnard is super smart about the App Store!
God, I think I threw up in my mouth a bit. https://tapbots.social/@paul/112038742610985520
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