Holy cow! I knew Apple Silicon slapped, but it’s still handing Android phones their lunch money here in 2024! https://urbanists.social/@getalifemike/111852047342336320
Manton gets it. https://www.manton.org/2024/01/31/apple-needs-a.html
Great take on The Verge about how Apple controls and owns its platforms. This is basically why I said it’d be great for Vision Pro to fail. Buckle up, though: this is only gonna get worse before it can get better. https://www.theverge.com/24055677/apple-vision-pro-epic-netflix-app-ecosystem-monopoly
I love making apps. But there are times when I have to confront the awesome responsibility of being trusted with users’ data, and it causes me to feel the feather-light touch of panic. Deep breaths.
I think my biggest takeaway from getting published in the Wall Street Journal is the recognition that it happened because I was blogging! Ipso facto, use PupperPost, become famous.
Looks like @paul@tapbots.social and I are famous again, this time in the WSJ! https://www.wsj.com/tech/personal-tech/apple-vision-pro-walled-garden-mac-iphone-app-store-c4838278?st=enfauoa8pbjq0zv&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
Why do I keep trying AirDrop? Am I an absolute buffoon?
Was clearing out the basement over the holidays, and pulled out this old polycarbonate MacBook from 2011? 1.8GHz Intel Core Duo, running Snow Leopard and in perfect working order! Not sure what to do with it. Any suggestions?
January 24, 2024
Is there a greater influence on my life? A product that has done more good in this world? A paradigm that has had a larger impact on work or society? Maybe? For my money, nothing beats the Mac. Forty years is both a long time and no time at all. I was ten years old when January 24, 1984 rolled around. I wouldn’t have known what a computer even was back then! But later, in high school, my first i... [Read More]
January 24, 2024
Is there a greater influence on my life? A product that has done more good in this world? A paradigm that has had a larger impact on work or society? Maybe? For my money, nothing beats the Mac. Forty years is both a long time and no time at all. I was ten years old when January 24, 1984 rolled around. I wouldn’t have known what a computer even was back then! But later, in high school, my first i... [Read More]
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