Contending with the complications of managing user images on PupperPost! Finding myself choosing between simplicity for the user vs control over their storage. I’ll make a guess and then wait for nobody to say anything LOL
God, I would absolutely murder for a leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich right now. Thanks, USians!
Helping my non-technical brother-in-law configure a new iMac. I’m soooo frustrated at how under-provisioned RAM and disk are. 8GB and 256GB? And it costs another $1000 to get it to 24/1TB? That’s insane!
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The Indie App Sale is on, and I wish there was just the tiniest blurb about what each of these apps do. Sometimes even the websites (if there is one!) don’t adequately explain it. Yikes!
November 23, 2023
I really enjoyed this year’s holiday film from Apple. It was actually suprisingly subversive at the start, wasn’t it? Our protagonist is shown creating a stop-motion film featuring a downtrodden grump falling victim to any number of calamities… using Apple hardware. But she’s using her gear for evil! Because it turns out these films are the outlet for her frustrations with her actual boss, who tr... [Read More]
I think Plex has blown it on user privacy, automatically opting you in to sharing your viewing data with friends. Here’s how to opt out:
November 21, 2023
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If I’ve learned one thing while attempting to become a successful indie app developer , it’s that I’ve now reached the moment where I fail. The “fun part” is over. I’ve spent months furiously building out apps for PupperPost, making relatively-polished versions for the Mac and iOS. I’ve both contracted out and contributed myself to the Go-based backend servers, that run the API and the web hostin... [Read More]
I absolutely loved this piece in The New Yorker. Somers really evokes the sense of what being a programmer is like, and it’s very moving.
So people actually use SwiftUI Previews, somehow? This is my experience with it, every damn day.
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This is the first post from PupperPost on production. This is IT.
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