PupperPost v1.0.3 is starting to roll out! You can now look forward to busted-ass things no longer being busted-ass? I’m pretty sure other devs just say “BUG FIXES” because they’re too embarrassed to actually name them. Case in point...
The back page feature in last month’s NatGeo was made for me. #PupperPower
You celebrate with alcohol. I toast Trump’s conviction with a large Booster Juice.
Here’s some PupperPost news: my native app for blogging is now up to 1.0.2 with a bunch of bug fixes. I’ve also remedied a super-embarrassing oversight: blog sites are now localized in 8 languages! (Gonna get to the app itself soon too).
OMG this makes me so goddamn happy. They finally got Trump! https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/donald-trump-hush-money-trial-verdict-1.7219067
Thanks, I hate it. https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/2024/5/7.html
If you have ANY kind of readership for whatever you do, get in touch! I’d be delighted to set you up with PupperPost and help you spread the word.
That piece by @nicolasf in @macgeneration was followed by a raft of signups from France, including an email from a precocious 14-yo dev with three apps on the Store, asking for a promo code. It was so inspiring I granted it and am sending a pin off too. 🥲
A write-up of PupperPost appears today on MacGeneration! So great to see someone write about it, and totally get the point of it. 🌈 https://www.macg.co/logiciels/2024/05/pupperpost-propose-de-creer-un-blog-une-app-native-pour-le-mac-liphone-et-lipad-143963
Oh no, it’s the new Fahrenheit vs Celsius debate! (The Europeans are right about this one too ducks and runs ). https://mastodon.ie/@Homebrewandhacking/112518343263963176
Brought to you by PupperPost