Ugh, YES. Starbucks has fast wifi, but then they throttle it to 650kbps if you download something more than a web page.
I guess this is them?
Here’s an official announcement from Ben Surtees about his sale of Bartender to “Applause”. I would “applaud” a link to the company, and a matching release from them talking about their intentions.
Just here to report that git bisect exists, and it can totally save your bacon. My bacon is right here, safe and sound, thanks to it. 😅
June 5, 2024
Eric Schwarz had a piece yesterday reacting to Microsoft’s plans for a “remember everything” feature upcoming in Windows. This fact that this feature is basically on by default and requires numerous steps to disable is going to create a lot of problems for people, especially those who click through every privacy/permission screen and fundamentally don’t know how their computer actually operates—I... [Read More]
Wow, no spoilers, but Dark Matter is going in some different directions than the book! I’m curious to see if it ends up in the same place…
Grateful for this summary of the good and the bad of Swift on its tenth anniversary!
June 4, 2024
Oh dear. Turns out one of my best-used apps on my Mac, Bartender, has changed owners. This apparently happened a couple months ago! The previous developer, Ben Surtees, appears to have sold the app to new buyers. Software sales happen from time to time. We have a recent example, actually: Castro, the well-regarded podcast app for iOS, was sold to a new developer. The handoff was done with clear... [Read More]
Kinda weird to see so overtly Christian overtones to a major open source project. I can see a lot of people having a problem with this.
Whispers “You’re a hot dog in a hurricane,” and I absolutely lost it
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