I’m honestly struggling to think of situations where this image ISN’T useful
“Don’t panic,” says the mild-mannered Apple nerd, when seeing 11 concurrency warnings via Swift 6. Meanwhile, the giant, many-years-old app I work on in my day job has… 1755 warnings. I’mma freakin’ panicking.
Can I be real? I heard all that talk about Sendable and structured concurrency and I covered my ears and said “la la la”. I’m livid right now.
PupperPost on Xcode 16 with Swift 6 language mode. Just my nightmares come to life and walking the earth, that’s all.
A lot of that WWDC keynote made me tired and sad.
I’d normally watch the WWDC keynote on the Apple TV Developer app… but it’s crashing when I play the keynote. To YouTube then, I guess...
OMG @nickheer read (and liked?!) my post on Justin Trudeau’s podcast appearance! https://pxlnv.com/linklog/trudeau-hard-fork/
Let’s say your app had a crash that happened only on Intel Macs. But you don’t have access to an Intel Mac. Do you buy a 2019 MacBook Air? Or do something else? #AskingForAPupper
Related: this lovely blog post on the styles of date picker you get on both platforms. If you ship on macOS, you may wish to steer clear of the GraphicalDatePickerStyle… https://robkerr.com/a-visual-reference-to-swiftui-datepicker-styling-for-ios-and-macos/
Okay, gonna add the time to my publishing date picker. Looks good on iOS… let’s see it on the Mac… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
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